Tuesday 9 November 2010

j'adore paris......

My birthday weekend, and my amazing boyfriend surprised me with a trip to PARIS!!! I LOVE France, being there countless times on family holidays, visiting Brittany, Loire Valley, south region and spent many times in Paris also but the last time I had spent time in France was 7 years ago!! so when i was told on the wednesday that on friday we were flying out to paris, i nearly cried.....but before i got to Paris we had a quick overnight stay in the Malmasion in newcastle before catching our flight out to Charles de Gaulle!!
The Mal in Newcastle
Boarding our flight in sunny newcastle
David outside the Louvre
The weather was horrible when we got to Paris, did not stop raining, but still loved the trip

First stop was Rue Cambon......straight to CHANEL!! 
Thats Alexadra Burke running out the shop, didnt mean to take a picture of her, she must have thought i was some sad tourist!!
 I have never been in a shop or boutique like chanel, as we were walking in a french women was walking out with SIX store assistants lined in a row carrying two bags each to her Schaeffer driven car.....each assistant acknowledged us as they walked past, 'bonjour madam, bonjour monsouir'
This embellished bust, covered in fine jewellery and gems was in the window on Dolce and Gabbana

French architecture and the buildings in Paris in particular amaze me, everything just looks used and lived in. the tall building with dozens of shuttered windows symmetrical positioned making everything look so neat but at the same time each building has its own look making the buildings so unique. The Paris street look very miss-matched but pull together with the same look.  

me infront of the glass pyramid at the louvre

Just outside our hotel.
This is a photograph i took of the Eiffel Tower, quite proud of my photography skills here....

There was alot i didnt get the chance to see, and many districts i wanted to visit, hopefully get back out to Paris in the summer and explore a bit more......

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